
LHDN Approved Payroll Software

BMO Payroll Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD) using Computerized Calculation Method has been approved by Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri. Our payroll solutions are fully compliant with all local regulatory standards in Malaysia. Automate your EPF, SOSCO, EIS, HRDF, and PCB calculations. Integrated with attendance, e-Leave, and e-Claim modules which eases your entire process of payroll calculation.

BizCloud HRM Payroll Module Features

generate monthly payroll system

Generate monthly payroll from the web

payroll system generate-ea-form

EA form can be generated year-end

leave claim balances payroll system

Leave balances and claims will be reflected in payroll

generate modify print payroll system

Generate, modify, and print payroll for every employee

payroll system calculation

Take claims, attendance, and leave into the calculation of payroll

follow government legislation payroll system

Follow strictly to government legislation for SOCSO, EPF, EIS, Income Tax, etc.

payroll system customize automatic calculation

Customize the behavior of the automatic calculation in the payroll system

generate print pdf

You can choose to print it or generate it as a PDF for your employee to view from the payroll system

payroll system calculation deduction

Payroll calculations take deduction limits such as EPF, SOCSO, Income Tax and EIS into account

BizCloud HR Suite Payroll Module enables the employer to generate accurate payroll easily. The personal payroll function let employees view their own payroll from BizCloud App in their mobile phone. The payroll module includes multiple pay structure and employers are able to customize the payment structure anytime. The payroll system automatically calculates all attendance using a time attendance system apart from taxes on the employee’s payslips. At the same time, e-Leave HRM Software assists the employer to comply with all statutory requirements such as EPF, SOCSO, EIS, Income Tax, and Bonuses.

Payroll System - Define Income

Employee Income Type

Some example of employee income type includes salary, bonus, commissions, allowance, etc. Some group of employees are allowed to receive particular income type, but at the same time some group is not allowed. The HR admin is allowed to define employee income type.

  • Define income type for every employee
  • You can choose to display a particular item on the pay-slip or otherwise
  • Daily wages are calculated automatically and to be deducted if any unpaid leave is taken
  • You can define which income type is eligible for SOCSO, EIS, PCB from the system

Employee Deduction Type, SOCSO, Income Tax, EPF, EIS

HR admin can define deduction type for each income. The type can further define to based on different discount table.

employee deduction type socso income tax epf eis
payroll system module as standalone software

Payroll Module As Standalone Software

You may use BizCloud HR Suite Payroll module as standalone software without the e-leavee-claim and attendance. By doing so, you can generate pay-slips by:

  • Generate from the application
  • Uploads Excel to generate pay-slip

The Excel format is easy to use and can be reused every month.

Payroll Module

The BMO Payroll Module is released to all SMEs (Small Medium Enterprise) in Malaysia. Everyone is welcomed to use the Payroll Module. The payroll module contains all features and able to expand anytime.

With Payroll Module, you can create employees, define their income type and setup deduction type. Lastly, you can download an Excel template and upload the value to generate pay-slips.

The pay-slips can be printed out or view from BizCloud App as personal payroll.

payroll system module beta
payroll system with time attendance e-claim e-leave modules

Payroll With Time Attendance, e-Claim And e-Leave Modules

When you have extended the payroll module to include attendance module, the system can assist to handle overtime, lateness, absent etc. With e-claim, the HR can automate claim form, and add the claim into the payroll automatically.

e-leave module will help the HR to automate leave taking and calculate the unpaid leave and display leave information inside the pay-slip (optional).

Advanced Salary

Our system allows HR to set a payback period for advanced salary. It automatically records the payback amount for the next salary period. HR can also set a minimum payback amount for each pay period and set a limit on the amount of advanced salary available.

Pay Period List

Past payroll data are kept in the payroll system. Payroll software helps HR administrators to keep track of all employees’ records and prepare for payroll auditing.

Payroll System - Payroll Records